Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I'm a blogger! Do I get a prize?

If I could write blogs while driving to and from work, I would have started long ago. Then again, those blogs would contain way too many obscenities. So this is something I've thought about doing but never did get around to starting. Sort of like exercise, cooking, gardening, and saving money.

Anyhows, I was "facebooked" by an old friend from high school...(okay, she's not old, but high school was so long ago!) and she has a blog and I read a lot of it and was instantly jealous. She was always a step ahead of me. Heck, she even went to the prom. With the combination of reading that and the fact that it is Christmas break and I'm making the kids clean the house right now, I decided that I needed to blog. Now. It won't be useful like hers...she puts recipes on hers and I don't cook, but at least it gives me something to do while the kids clean.

There's lots of stuff I could start with, but let me just say that I love Facebook. I never thought I would. The only reason I got an account in the first place was to try and find students who have graduated and keep track of where they are working in the wonderful world of nursing. Then I realized that old friends from high school are also on Facebook and I became hooked. Now that my kids are entering high school, it makes me think of the good ol' days (all three of them) back then and thank my lucky stars that I never have to go through that again. Facebook helps because I look at all the people I knew back then and they don't look too terribly old so then I don't feel old either. Then I tell my kids stories about my days with Good Old So-and-So until their eyes glaze over and they beg to do chores. Like I said, I love Facebook.

I do feel the need to do some public blogging service for the three people (including my mother) likely to read this post. Ummm, well, I'm a mom and I teach pediatric nursing so I guess I could share tips about raising children.

Tip for today: When you want them to do something around the house, tell stories about your old high school friends that you just rediscovered on Facebook. It works.


  1. Can you remember the High School stories? It was sooooooooooooooooo long ago.

    Welcome to the blogsphere!

  2. Well, if I don't remember the High School stories, I just make something up. How are they going to know the difference???
